Want to keep up with all the goss about Banyule BUG? What’s hot, what’s not and who’s got what? Check out these sources for the real stories.
Newsletters BBUG editor Allan Garbutt publishes a bi-monthly online Newsletter, posted to the Banyule BUG website. Look at the most recent copy, plus an archive of all past issues right here. A terrific compilation of stories, pictures, history, updates, cycling policies. A regular must-read! And Allan is always on the lookout for contributions from members. If you have a great story, pictures, comments or want to get something off your chest, email it to Allan.
Facebook The club has a very popular Facebook site, thanks to Ariana Fabris. Plenty of coverage from recent rides with photos, routes, videos, stories and more. Up-to-date and full of variety.
Group emails Regular short emails to tell members about new ride schedules, changes in program, meetings, informal dinners, country trips and more. They’ll keep popping up in your inbox. Check your spam folder if you believe you’re not getting them.
Every ride Before Facebook, Instagram, X and the rest were invented, person-to-person contact was the most immediate, detailed and misinformed way to keep up with everything of importance. This is why we ride! Chat chat chat — truth, fiction, titbits, information, advice, opinions. It starts at the start and continues all the way until we split up for home. Unmissable.