Banyule BUG welcome new members. The more the merrier! There is one important requirement — you can already ride a bike. Nothing fast and furious, just the ability to pedal along with the group. Best way to find out is to join in for a couple of test rides (check on the Rides page & contact the ride coordinator of that group). If you like the experience, joining is the next step.
To apply for membership (or renew an existing membership) go to the online Application and Renewal portal. Only requires a few minutes to fill in name and contact details.
Payment is made by electronic transfer of funds from your bank to the BBUG account. All necessary details are on the application form. An additional benefit — Banyule BUG members are covered by the club’s third-party insurance policy. In brief, if you accidentally injure another person or damage their property on a club ride, you should not face the cost of redress. More details in the Information page.
Annual Fees
BBUG membership extends over the Australian Financial Year, from 1st July to 30th June in the year following. Fees are set a year in advance at the club’s AGM.
New members are entitled to a free distinctive club jersey, worth $45. Details available after joining.
Fees for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 membership years:
New or renewing member, 12 months July-June $45
New member joining between January to June $45 (includes
jersey) or $25 (does not include jersey).
Social member $20
All payment of fees for new or renewing members is preferably made by electronic transfer to the club’s bank account.
BSB 063222
Account name Banyule Bicycle User Group
Account number 1018 1606