A selection of links that take you to more detailed information about important aspects of Banyule BUG’s organisation and procedures, plus general advice about riding a bike in Victoria.

Banyule BUG Stuff

Latte Group Ride Protocols. Essential reading for new members. Guidelines for safe and responsible riding within groups of 10-20 members.

Guidelines for Latte Ride Leaders.   Main tasks and responsibilities of Latte Ride Leaders.
Guidelines for Lycra Ride Leaders.  Main tasks and responsibilities of Lycra Ride Leaders.

Report an Accident.  Online form for reporting any accidents that occur on a Banyule BUG ride. Usually completed by the Ride Leader for that day and any direct observers.

Manage an Emergency Incident in a Group Cycling Situation

BBUG Public Liability Insurance.   Summary of the cover provided by the club’s third party insurance policy.

Guest Rider Details and Indemnity

Banyule Bicycle User Group Incorporated. BBUG is an incorporated association. This document discusses the legal and associated advantages of incorporation for both the club and its members.

Committee Members 2024/5  Meet your Committee.

AGM and General Meeting Minutes  2023/25    The rules of Incorporation require that Minutes be available for inspection by all members.

Photo Archives 1  A collection of photos on the Flickr website covering 2009 to 2016.
Photo Archives 2 Members’ photos on the Flickr  website from 2016 onward.

Other Useful Stuff

VicRoads Bicycle Information and Road Rules  A load of useful items including: bicycle road rules; sharing the road; bike helmets; driving with bike riders; electric bikes; bike racks and carriers on cars; cycling with children; places to ride; road treatments and signs for bikes.

Bike Maintenance Basics.  A text-and-photo introduction on the internet with no adverts (a blessing). Includes bike cleaning, how to fix a flat tyre and patch a tube, chain cleaning and maintenance, essential tools, plus and intro to ebike maintenance. Explore YouTube for more advanced information – there are literally thousands of options!

What To Do After A Bike Crash  Detailed and very useful information provided on the Bicycle Network website, “… basic steps to look after yourself and make sure you can follow up on any damages or claims.”

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